Saturday, May 23, 2020

The 16 Things That Happen on Your First Day of a New Job

The 16 Things That Happen on Your First Day of a New Job Its your first day of work at your new job. Youre up early, youve eaten a hearty breakfast, and youre ready to go. The thing with first days is that youll never know exactly how its going to go. But from watching Peep Show religiously, we  can only guess it will go something like this 1) You wake up in the morning, feeling like this: 2) You eat a  hearty breakfast of Cornflakes for people who cant face reality: 3) You walk into the new office, meet your colleagues: 4) But it all goes wrong when your true awkwardness comes out: 5) You meet your new manager: 6) You get assigned a new project, that you have no idea how to do: 7) You try and introduce a bit of humour into conversation, and it fails: 8) Youre introduced to the new potential love of your life: 9) You try and impress them  with some vaguely interesting facts about you: 10) Back to your desk, where you go  through the antsy, unrest stage of the day, where youre not sure whats going on: 11) Time for lunchwoohoo! 12) You meet the office idiot 13) ..and youre finally feeling relaxed enough to get some work done: 14) Youre invited to the afterwork drinks.. 15) which you try and wholeheartedly enjoy. 16) Now finally, home relax, recuperate, and reflect. Bliss. How does the first day at a new job usually go for you? Tweet us your most embarrassing moments at @UndercoverRec on Twitter!

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