Friday, May 8, 2020

5 Ways to Clean Up YOUR Online Image for the Job Hunt -

2) Monitor what you put onlineThough you cant always control what other people put online, you certainly can be wary of what you post. Is your blog presentable? Do you list your contact information? Your Facebook is it privatized so only your friends can see it?Further, are certain things privatized so only certain people on your friends list can see it?Heres a useful article published by The New York Times of three Facebook settings every user should check. ( Be wary of third-party sitesMy sister Googled herself one day and found that sites such as Delver and Rapleaf had aggregated her online data without her knowledge. Thousands of Flickr photos she hadnt privatized were posted, along with a link to her Facebook profile.Know that what you put on one site may actually end up elsewhere without your permission.4) Watch yourself in publicWhen the drinks ar e flowing and cameras are flashing, its easy to let loose. But with sites like Facebook making it entirely too easy for pictures of you to be posted without your consent (and extremely visible to circles of friends who are not yours), its almost paparazzi-like.Be wary of what youre posing for. It sounds paranoid, but tell that to the people who end up on gossip sites that pride themselves on poking fun at ordinary people like us. ( Be kind to your friends (and acquaintances)If you have unflattering or potentially scandalous pictures of them, laugh about it in private. You never know if theyll post similar pictures of you out of spite. Be the one to break the cycle.

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